Brian's Travel Journal

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


I realize that I haven't blogged or written a single reply email in the last two weeks. Part of it is because I'm content with my current life situation and travel companions. Part of it is because I'm out in the country enjoying a slow paced lifestyle. I noticed that I blog about every day that I'm in a major city...but then drop-off totally when I get to a beach. The last two weeks I have been on the Vietnam coast...good seafood, sightseeing, motorbikes, and lots of sand time.

The other part is that I'm at a crossroads in my life. Asia is coming to a close. I have one country left (Cambodia) of my journey. Then what? Everyday I go back and forth...torn in which direction to travel. So many opportunities and only one way to go. Do I head back to the states and bum around there for a while, living on the east coast visiting friends and family for a few months? Do I go straight back to Denver and fall right back into my old life, friends and the same IT contract again? The advantage of that is that I can walk away again at any time. Or start a new financial planner career that will keep me in Denver for the next 15 years. Do I continue the journey and head for lands west into the middle east and eastern europe? Or do I try to build a new life in the UK with new my dream of overseas employment, and try to scrape-up from the bottom once more like I did so successfully in Denver 6 years ago? Oh my Buddha!!! I have no idea... any comments and help from dedicated readers would be greatly appreciated. And again...I love you all and apologize greatly if I don't get back to you right away, I'm going through a lot right now.


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