London Baby!!!!!!
I have arrived back into the Western world! Everyone speaks uninhibited English and the city is as mad as ever. I'm actually off to a rough start as I lost my underground ticket. Luckily my sob story prevented me from paying the $40 fine and I just had to buy my original ticket twice. Now I'm in an internet cafe RE-printing out directions to my friend Sunshine's house as that fell out of my pocket with the ticket.
Mental note: Throw these feckin pants out as they are the same ones I was wearing when my camera fell out on a train at Mt. Fuji. They are costing me WAY more than they are worth.
Mental note: Throw these feckin pants out as they are the same ones I was wearing when my camera fell out on a train at Mt. Fuji. They are costing me WAY more than they are worth.
At 5:17 PM,
lora said…
Not to mention loosing a very important broche (sp?)! Brian, get some pants with a zipper or go back to bloody Thailand and have them insert one for you. So glad to hear you're going to visit Sunshine - she'll love it! Please tell her hi for me!
At 3:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
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